Monday, December 3, 2012

Podcast Announed

Hello class! I won't be in class today, but below is a link to a podcast that includes the lesson for the day.  Please click below and follow my instructions.

Macbeth Character Podcast

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Macbeth on Trial!!

We are starting a new project today!  Please visit the link below to start a webquest that will guide you in trying to find who is really at fault in Macbeth.

Macbeth on Trial!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wordle Experiment

Using Wordle, I created this layout of ideas, concepts, characters, and themes from Macbeth.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Interpretations of the Witches

This is a screen shot of a Google search of "Three Witches, Macbeth."  Look closely at the search results. How have the witches been portrayed? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

To the Parents Of...

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself!  My name is Ms. Bruner, and I am your child's English Literature teacher for this year.  I just wanted to express my excitement about working with your child this semester.  I believe that students can grow and develop by examining the texts and issues we cover in this class.  In addition to learning about basic English and writing skills, we will be covering further applicable skills like critical thinking, writing, and research in this class.  

In the upcoming weeks, we will be reading, analyzing, and presenting Shakespeare's tragedy of Macbeth.  In this unit, we will be reading the whole play, focusing on script-analysis, utilizing thinking skills to really "get out of the box" that Shakespeare's put into, and the final project will be to produce a magazine talking about our observations, notes, and analysis of the text.  These will be available on this blog, so you can keep track of your child's progress!

I also want to note that if you ever have any comments, questions, or concerns, I am available for phone calls and meetings (by appointment, please) each day before and after school.  To schedule a meeting, you may contact me via email at or call the school's number.  

Again, I am excited to be working with your child.  I welcome questions or comments, and am looking forward to a great semester!

Sincerely - 
Ms. Bruner

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ted Ed Lesson

Below is a link to a video-lesson.  I would like you to watch the video provided, follow through the three tabs on the right-hand side, and complete the lesson.